imagine peace

i was pretty shocked to find out a couple of days ago that yoko ono has a sim in second life! lucas found out about it on twitter and retweeted the invite to go see a lighting of the imagine peace tower. he and i went to the second lighting of the night and we were pretty disappointed that it was fairly empty. we did meet up with crap mariner there, and i listened while they and lucas talked about the early days of the internets (which always makes me feel like a baby) we hung out for a while and i took some photos.

peace of crapabove us only skyno hell below usits easy if you tryimagine there's no heaven

and no crap was not having problems rezzing. they have become a shadow of their former self.

you can check out the imagine peace tower here.

the birth of legion

i finally got everything in order and built my new computer. this is something that has been a long time coming and i’m so happy its finally done. everything is so damn fast now and i am giddy every time i log in and see things moving like they are supposed to move. here i thought i was doing good with 10fps. hahaha try 50fps now!

needless to say, i’m back in sl and everything is a-ok. i’m still getting back into the swing of things but i am alive and well and i figured i would let the readers of my blog know.

if you want to read about the computer set up and all that, check out my real life blog which has specs and pictures and stuff. my computer is named “legion” after the creepy AI in mass effect.