today is a great day

2 years ago on this day, i was exploring the sim gypsy moon. a guy who was hanging out in a crater im’ed me and for some reason, instead of doing as i usually do with random im’s (ignore them and flee the area) i responded to him. we sat in the crater and talked for HOURS about all kinds of stuff. we really clicked, which is weird for me, because i rarely mesh that well with anyone, especially on the first meeting. but there in that crater, i felt like i had met someone i could really enjoy spending time with.

since that day, i have never let go of him. though we may fight, as all couples do, and though we may not see eye to eye, underneath it all, he is the only person in any world that i trust. he is the only person who doesn’t judge me by what i say or do, or how fucking stupid i am sometimes.

he is amazing… and i am so glad that i met him…

and i will never let go.

just another small post

i just wanted to mention that i have a picture in this month’s avenue magazine 😀 i’m on page 201 and the photo being shown is this one:



i want to thank avenue magazine for giving me the opportunity to show my work in their magazine. and paola tauber for selecting me to be a part of this.

in sad news our store was returned to us a couple of days ago.. tainted hearth is no more. my thanks to aza and lacey for having us on their wonderful sim and my hope is that they continue to create in sl and not let this setback take away their awesome imagination. i got a good set of photos of the sim before it was deleted, and i plan to post them on flickr soon. i will also post them here as soon as they are uploaded.

those of you who still want to purchase from LuNi can find us on our xstreetsl page for now. a new store will be up soon.