wtf is nimil doing???

dear second life,

i have been going crazy for a while now and i apologize that you have had to be a spectator to my breakdown. yes i know that there are a bunch of “you cannot see this picture” images all over my blog now, as i hid my entire flickr stream and then made it public again.. nice one me… you’re a retard.

i also deleted my plurk again, i don’t know if i will reopen it at all or at least any time soon. i am not ment to be that social.

so what am i doing right now? well i’m trying not to go crazy because of my rl problems and i’ll skip the details on that because its not all that interesting. but i will make it. i’m working on some things inworld and learning more about making clothes and its been fun, and tiresome, and a bit of a let down… honestly, i’m not that good. i’m not going to sit here and lie and say i’m the fucking best… i’m mediocre tbh. but i am always happy when people do like what i make and wear it and blog it and all that stuff.. so thank you to those people because you make my day.

on the menu for now, half a million corsets with tutus.. yes.. i went a little crazy. they all kinda look like this. sorry just a link and no picture on the page because flickr will eat my face if i don’t censor that boob and when i mark stuff as moderate flickr won’t let you see it if you’re not logged in. but yeah.. i made that in harley quinn style and some basic colours.

also in the works, hopefully some things for the pink shirt day thing in april. i still need to get in touch with december about that but its a really great project and if you are a blogger or a designer you should really look into it. bullying is a horrible thing in both lives and we should all do what we can to stop it. i was bullied for a long time in my real life as a kid for the simple fact that i didn’t go to church, which to me is a ridiculous reason to beat up a kid… and i’ve been bullied in second life as well by grown adults who think its fun to treat others like worthless shit. and to them all i will say no, you will not knock me down. i will always get back up and dust myself off.

anyway ok i didn’t mean to make some sort of crazy soapbox stand there. other than all that i have no idea what i am doing. i haven’t really done anything amazing with pictures in a long time. if anyone is interested in commissioning me, my calendar is mostly free. i’m attempting to save up for a new computer so anything would help.

welp that’s about all i can think of to write. off to photoshop.

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